
118 N. Michigan Avenue: A Connection To Prohibition

Ralph Izzo rose early each morning, walked downstairs and readied his fruit shop for the day.  If he thought about it all, he might have been proud of how far he’d come.  

Born Raffaele Izzo in the small Italian village of San Potito Sannitico (about 40 miles north of Naples), he left home in 1888 at the age of 23 and made his way to Saginaw where he joined and worked with his brother who owned a grocery at 512 W. Washington. 

The P C Andre Building: 110-112 N. Michigan Avenue

The Backstory: About Peter C. Andre and His Buildings

Although the exact date of construction is unknown, the building at 110-112 N. Michigan Avenue is identified on the 1877 Saginaw plat map, another of P. C. Andre's projects.

The first floor has always had two retail spaces, divided by a staircase leading to the second floor which originally had two apartments.